Oximeter Measurement Index


Pulse rate

Pulse refers to the pulsation of superficial arteries. Normal people’s pulse and heartbeat are consistent.

Heart rate is how often the heart beats. The average person is between 60–90 times per minute. However, when people are exercising and nervous, their heart rate will increase.

Pulse rate is the number of pulses per minute.

Under normal circumstances, pulse rate and heart rate are consistent. Pulse rate is lower than heart rate when atrial fibrillation or frequent contractions occur

Blood oxygen saturation

Blood oxygen saturation (SO2 for short) is one of the important basic data in clinical medicine.

The oxygen consumed by the human body mainly comes from hemoglobin (there are four kinds of hemoglobin in normal blood: oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2), reduced hemoglobin (Hb), oxyhemoglobin (CoHb), methemoglobin (MetHb). Among them, it is done with oxygen What reversibly binds is reduced hemoglobin, and what does not combine with oxygen are oxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin.) The oxygen carried. The oxygen content in the blood is usually referred to as the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood. The physical quantity of blood oxygen saturation is used to describe the change in the oxygen content in the blood.

Blood oxygen saturation refers to the percentage of bound O2 capacity in the total bound O2 capacity in the total blood volume.

Normal human arterial blood has a blood oxygen saturation of 98% and venous blood is 75%.

It is an important indicator of the oxygen status in the body. It is generally believed that the normal value of blood oxygen saturation should not be less than 94%, and below 94% is considered as insufficient oxygen supply.

Oximeter Measurement Index

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